General Membership Meeting (GMM)

THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2010 @ 7:30 PM

The second Thursday of every month, we have a GMM to go over upcoming projects. This month, our monthly community donation will be to Desert Angel, a charity that sends care packages to troops in Afghanistan and Iraq (see list of desired items below). Our meetings are held at the Rochester Community House which is located at 816 Ludlow in downtown Rochester. Ludlow runs north off University Drive (Walton Blvd), approximately one half mile east of Livernois (or one half mile west of Main Street/Rochester Rd). We encourage you to come early and mingle before the meeting.


Donation Wish List for Desert Angel

Breakfast bars, Granola bars, Cereal, Oatmeal, Pop Tarts, Instant Breakfast, Tang, Coffee, Flavored Dry Creamer, Tea, Dry Gator Aid, Nuts, Dried Fruit, Beef Jerky, Candy, Life Savers Hard Candy, Rice Krispy Treats, Gum, Instant Foods, New socks, Cards, Letters of Encouragement, Blank cards – they can send to their loved ones.  The care packages are sent to chaplains who also interact with local families and children so toys and school supples are also good items to include.

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